For any high schooler, getting into college is a major accomplishment. But the reality is that opportunity isn't always there, and it's not for a lack of interest for some students. Students at Buffalo Prep, who overcame the odds, and survived a rigorous course load celebrated their acceptance to college, Tuesday.
Close to 40 Buffalo Prep seniors are on their way to college.
“It's a huge deal because for a lot of these kids they never considered that college was potentially what they were going to do in the future,” said Marcus Deveso, the assistant director of Buffalo Prep.
At their first ever "College Day," seniors high-fived their way down the hallway on their way to the next chapter of their lives.
Like Destiny Overton. She's heading to Canisius College.
“I'm going to study bio-chemistry,” said Overton. “I want to be a medical researcher in cancer.”
Paul Woods is heading to Rutgers to play football. He says his time at Buffalo Prep helped him excel on and off the field.
Courtney Harris is ready to take on the Ivy League.
“I'm going to Cornell University,” said Harris. “I want to be a dentist. But, I'm thinking about majoring in sociology or biological sciences.”
It's been a long road to get to college, but close to 40 Buffalo Prep students couldn't be more ready.
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