

Buffalo's anti-drugs movie case drags on


Criminal charges still stand for a Buffalo mother and son who are at the center of a anti-drug movie controversy. 

Robin and Robert Sagliani will appear in Buffalo City Court in early November. 

The mother and son were charged in December after Buffalo Police Officer, Elizabeth Baker pulled them over and found heroin on them. 

They claim the officer later agreed to drop the charges, if they appeared in “Blink of an Eye.” It’s a short film backed by the City of Buffalo and Mayor Byron Brown, meant to bring awareness to the opioid crisis. 

The last scene of the film shows Robert allegedly shooting up real heroin in the bathroom of the Main Place Mall, all while Officer, Baker was outside the door. 

“There is no evidence that she did anything wrong, an internal affairs investigation was conducted throughout this entire incident. I personally supervised the internal affairs investigation,” Erie County District Attorney, John Flynn said. 

Sagliani’s Attorney, Mark Sacha motioned to get the charges against the mother and son dismissed. But the Judge denied the motion Friday. 

Robert Sagginai is currently at a Pennsylvania rehab facility. He and his mother were ordered back in court in early November, to resolve the drug charges. 

“What caused this to happen was politics straight up,” Sacha said.