

Buffalo woman finds racial slur spray painted on her car


Rachel Stewart's fearful after finding her car vandalized Tuesday morning. “This is a first for me and I'm still scared to go out at night even to the grocery store.”

Stewart said she was heading to work from her apartment on Stewart Avenue in Buffalo when she discovered her gray PT Cruiser covered in pink spray paint. The n-word was written on the side and hood of the car. Trump had been spray painted in black on the back of the car, and two tires were slashed.

Neighbors believe Stewart was the intended target of the vandalism. “It had to be somebody that knew her because they didn't mess with nobody else's car,” said neighbor, Josephine Cash.

Stewart said the car was going to be paid off in a few more months. It took me a year to save up for that,” she explained. Now it's ruined and beyond repair. Friends have set up a “go fund me” pageso Stewart can buy a new one.

“I just hope they catch who did it because she's a sweet person. Who would do this to her?” Cash said.
Stewart filed a police report, and the incident remains under investigation. So far, no arrests have been made.