

Top cop accused of beating wife back on the job


The Town of Carroll Police Chief, who was accused of beating his wife, was reinstated by the town board Wednesday night.

Timothy Wright was charged with third degree assault in July for an alleged dispute with his wife that happened April in the Town of Leon. Wright was accused of repeatedly hit his wife in the head, causing her several facial injuries.

Through it all, the town board stood with Wright.

"I believe he will come out victorious," said Carroll Town Supervisor Jack Jones last July. "He's always been a good police chief."

While Wright went through the criminal process, he was suspended with pay. A judge granted the police chief an adjournment in contemplation of dismissal, which means the case will eventually be dismissed as long as Wright remains out of trouble.

After he was granted the adjournment in contemplation of dismissal, Wright was reinstated by the town board.




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