

Cat found frozen to bottom of Rubbermaid tote

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The SPCA of Niagara is caring for a cat that was found frozen to the bottom of a Rubbermaid tote.

The organization said on its Facebook page that "Clyde" the cat was found Wednesday evening inside the tote, left on a porch on Linwood Ave. in Niagara Falls.  The cat was frozen to the bottom of the tote, and its temperature barely registered when it was brought to the SPCA.  Workers think that he may have been left behind when someone moved out.

Clyde was hypothermic, unresponsive to light and sound, emaciated and dehydrated.  SPCA caretakers warmed the cat, gave him fluids, and gave him food which they say he, "ate ravenously."  While they were caring for him they found that his paws were injured, and SPCA workers believe the injuries are pressure sores from folding his paws under his body.

The cat is now in a foster home, sleeping on a heating pad.  Amy Lewis, Executive Director of the SPCA of Niagara, says Clyde's condition is improving.