

City lowers baseline for acceptable lead levels


The Buffalo Water Board is aiming to analyze more than 150 City-owned buildings for lead and copper by the end of the year.

Initial testing is almost complete. The Buffalo Water Board targeted water sources in common use areas of the City's 27 community centers and is prioritizing daycares and places where young children spend time after school and on weekends next.

After testing 150 residential water tests, Mayor Byron Brown results showed either no lead or levels far below the EPA's action level of 15 parts per billion. Moving forward, the City is lowering its baseline to 5 parts per billion, a standard employed by the Federal Drug Administration for bottled drinking water.

Preliminary results of the water at community centers show no detectable amounts of lead. Full results of the 27 community centers are expected to be release in early December.

"New water service lines have been installed at four of the seven homes where lead levels registered above our City's household action limit, and we will continue to retest those homes regularly over the next year to rule out any contamination sources," said Buffalo Water Board Chair Oluwole McFoy. "We are in conversations with the other three homeowners with the goal of making their water lead-safe."