

Commission to improve county family leave policy


Erie County Comptroller Stefan Mychajliw says his strong relationship with his 10-year-old daughter is what's prompting him to call for changes to the county's family leave policy.

“Although I cherish my role as Erie County Comptroller and being a public servant, my most important mission is to be a good father to Mia Theresa,” Mychajliw said.

“Right now the county policy calls for moms to have six weeks for natural child birth and eight for C-section but that time is not paid."

He is creating what he is calling the "Erie County Comptroller's Family Leave Commission." The goal is to give more paid time to moms and dads of new babies.

“I want to bring stakeholders to my office to determine if our policies are outdated and I want to see if we can implement conservative budgeting practices in order to implement the family polices,” Mychajliw explained.

The comptroller said he wants to be able to make these changes to benefit new parents without putting an extra burden on the taxpayers. “I want to see if there are places we can make sensible cuts to make this revenue neutral."

He also says other parts of the family policy need updating. “I also think that our maternity polices are outdated because it only addresses whether or not mothers can perform the duties of county work. I find that is outrageous and a little insulting."

A spokesperson from the Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz' office said Poloncarz is still looking over the proposal but does see one challenge. He said any changes like the ones proposed call for union negotiations.

As for Mychajliw, he says family first for all Erie County employees.

“It is critically important that mothers and fathers have bonding time with their kids, especially during those formative years,” Mychajliw said.




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