

New York state to remain shut down until at least May 15

Posted 5:09 PM, Mar 29, 2020
and last updated 5:28 PM, May 09, 2020

ALBANY, N.Y. (WKBW) — All non-essential business in New York state will remain shut down until at least May 15, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced in April.

Cuomo says the New York State "Pause" Executive Order, which states 100 percent of the non-essential workforce should be home, is working and will be coordinated with other states.

The order was put into place March 22 at 8 p.m.

Additional guidance has been issued by the governor's office which says the state will reopen on a regional basis and each region must meet seven criteria before being allowed to reopen.

The governor's office says starting May 15 regions that meet all seven criteria can begin to reopen. For regions that do not meet all seven criteria, NYS PAUSE will be extended until June 6 or until the region meets all seven criteria.

The state says the guidance will be issued on a monthly basis, to view the seven criteria for reopening you can visit the state's website here.

In addition, New Yorkers are required wear a face covering or mask when in a public place where you may not be able to maintain social distancing, such as a supermarket. Cuomo says this order also includes public transportation and for-hire vehicles.

You can find the latest updated list of what the state deems is an essential business here.