

Following COVID guidelines to prevent spike

"I don’t want to see this come back"
and last updated

BUFFALO, NY (WKBW) — "It’s really exciting after being closed for three months,” remarked Bobby Rabb, owner, Mr. Goodbar.

Bobby Rabb, owner, Mr. Goodbar.

As businesses reopen under phase three, there will be a close watch on any future spikes of COVID-19.

At Mr. Goodbar, in the Elmwood Village, Rabb said there will be a ‘new normal’.

“Which is completely different from Goodbar business,” Rabb explained.

Rabb says he's been working hard to prepare his bar and dinning areas for customers so they will be safe.

“Our door guy will hold people at the front door and we have a host that's going to be seating everyone in here,” Rabb said.

Rabb is following the New York State guidelines for 50-percent capacity for the dining and bar areas.

Social distancing must be followed. There will be a sanitizing area for customers and new rules for restrooms.

“That if for some reason — there is three people in there already to just kindly wait outside,” Rabb noted.

With other states seeing spikes in new covid cases as they reopen, Erie County is hoping the public continues to follow rules when going out to shop, eat and worship to avoid a summertime spike.

“We’ve seen photos in other states of like huge crowds, huge gatherings we don’t want to do that — keep it in small groups,” stated Dr. Gale Burstein, Erie County Health commissioner.

Rabb says he is completely committed to helping prevent any spike in the Buffalo region.

“It’s protect the customers, protect the community and make sure we don't have any increases in cases,” Rabb remarked. “I don’t want to see this come back.”

Rabb said hours will vary. You can go to the Mr. Goodbar website through this link for more information.

Rabb also noted it has been a very difficult financial time and added all the new regulations has created more cost for his business.

“It’s extremely expensive, even on the staff side because in order too logistically to maintain the guidelines that are set, so the monetary impact — not only just the loss of being closed for three months is huge in the reopening process,’ Rabb said.