

Gov. Cuomo announces school reporting requirements to track COVID-19 cases

and last updated

ALBANY, N.Y. (WKBW) — On Thursday, Governor Cuomo announced that school districts across the state will be required to provide the Department of Health with daily data on the number of people who have tested positive for COVID-19 in each school. This mandate will take effect starting Tuesday, September 8.

According to the governor's office, the information will be publicly available on a new online dashboard developed by the DOH. The information will be posted here, beginning the following day on Wednesday, September 9.

Department of Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker issued a letter on Thursday to all school districts informing them of the reporting requirements and the new dashboard.

"Many of the school districts have testing protocols that will be in place as part of their plans, but as I've said from the beginning, those plans are only as good as their implementation," Governor Cuomo said. "Parents and teachers are understandably concerned about schools reopening. Dr. Zucker and the State Department of Health will set up a dashboard for teachers and parents, so they know exactly what's happening in their schools. I hope this will give teachers and parents some confidence that the plans are being implemented and if there's a positive case, they will know and DOH will know and the locals can respond quickly."

School districts must also provide a link to the daily dashboard on their websites.