The New York State Education Department is requiring all New York state schools to close from March 18 to April 1.
“It’s imperative that while New York’s schools are closed due to the COVID-19 outbreak, all children have access to essential services like food programs and learning opportunities,” said Board of Regents Chancellor Betty A. Rosa.
In a statement Rosa said the Department will assist all districts in creating plans that will "keep students engaged in learning and receiving healthy meals while schools are closed.”
The statement says each district's plan should provide meals to students who rely on two meals a day when school is open. They are encouraging grab and go breakfast and lunch at staggering times to maintain social distancing.
While schools are closed, the New York State Education Department is encouraging districts to continue learning. The district says it is compiling a digitized list of resources that can help schools create learning actives for its students.
By March 19, the Governor is requiring school districts to provide a plan on how it plans on providing care for children of essential health care and first responders. That plan is due by 5 p.m.
A SUMMARY: Submitting School District COVID-19 Plans
"To facilitate the timely collection and review of district COVID-19 Plans consistent with the Executive Order, NYSED has created online templates for each of the three sections that must be completed by each district. Individual plan sections to be completed include:
- COVID-19 – School District Child Care Plan
- COVID-19 – School District Child Nutrition Plan
- COVID-19 – School District Continuity of Education Plan
Plans are to be submitted to the State Education Department no later than 5 pm on Thursday, March 19, 2020. The plan may be amended or modified by the State Education Department, in consultation with the Department of Health and Office of Children and Family Services at any time."
All information regarding COVID-19 can be found on the NYSED's website.