

Social distancing? There's an IPA for that

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BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Looking for that perfect beer to enjoy during your next virtual happy-hour or video conference hangout? You may want to pick-up some "Social Distancing" on your next supply run.

Buffalo's Resurgence Brewing has released a new IPA that borrows it's name from a phrase that has become all too familiar to New Yorkers.

We all still want to have beers together.... just not that close together!
Jeff Ware - President | Resurgence Brewing Co.

Resurgence says this is a limited release beer that can be purchased online and then picked up curbside.

Curbside pick-up is available at the Resurgence brewery at 55 Chicago Street Thursday from 4-7 p.m. and Saturday 12 - 7 p.m.