FREDONIA, N.Y. (WKBW) — The State University of New York at Fredonia announced the commencement ceremony scheduled for May has been postponed.
“Given the need to protect the health of everyone, we have made the difficult decision to postpone the 2020 Commencement ceremony to a later date,” Interim President Dennis L. Hefner said in an email message to the campus community.
All seniors received a survey, 60 percent responded to the survey, August 8 was the date selected following the survey.
"This option received four times the number of votes than second place, which was the Saturday of Homecoming," Dr. Hefner wrote in his email.
For the approximately 1,000 degree candidates eligible to participate, Hefner says although the formal ceremonies will be delayed, any academic degree they achieve will not.
“Please know that postponement of the ceremony does not delay receipt of diplomas,” said Hefner. “As happens every year, transcripts are revised in May to reflect the exact date of graduation, and actual diplomas are mailed to graduates in early summer.”