

UB South Campus to become COVID-19 vaccination site

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BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — The University at Buffalo's South Campus is one of five SUNY schools being tapped to host a COVID-19 vaccination site.

A statement Monday confirmed the news. It also detailed that registration will be required to receive the vaccine there.

“The UB community has made many significant contributions in the fight against COVID-19 through its research, teaching, and volunteer efforts," said UB President Satish K. Tripathi. "UB is proud to continue making a positive impact by serving as a vaccination site."

The university is expected to release details on when the site will open, which building it will be in, and the hours it will be open at a later date.

“This will help bring the vaccines closer to the community, speeding up a return to normalcy for Western New Yorkers,” said Tripathi.