

Couple together 63 years, dies two days apart

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A dashing young Staff Sergeant, a beautiful young nurse in training ... the perfect beginning to a post war love affair that all started with a blind date.

"We found my mother's dance card and my father had written his name on top, crossed off all the other names like, stay away from her boys, she's mine," said Michael Manning. 

A lifetime of memories play-out before Manning as he lays out a collection of cherished family photos.

"My mother and father always had a smile on their face," said Manning.

And it was in a home in Lancaster, with the quintessential white picket fence, where over the years the love continued to grow between June and Robert Manning.

"The hated to be apart from each other," recounted Manning, "and it showed right to the very end."

It was this past April when this couple proved that true love lasts forever.

"My mother passed on Tuesday," said Manning, "two days later my father passed and everybody said they wanted to be together forever."

A love so strong, not even death could keep them apart.  True soul mates to the very end.

"They were married for over 63 years, but they weren't just husband and wife," said Manning, "they were best friends, they were best friends for 63 years."