

Creating "magic" with holiday decorations at Salvatore's

Paula Salvatore starts the big job in September

It's snowing inside Salvatore's Italian Gardens! Okay, it's imitation snow but it adds to the honest to goodness great feelings you get when you see the incredible holiday decorations here. Making it snow is part of the holiday magic that Paula Salvatore has whipped up once again at the popular restaurant.

Some folks are satisfied to simply "deck the halls", but Paula always goes the extra mile. There are Santas and nutcrackers around every corner with brightly colored packages and bows and lots of lights and glitter.

Paula says "I have a huge warehouse in the back and many elves that help me. we work through the years to keep things fresh and new."

She has more than a little experience at this decorating thing, this is Paula's 24th year of transforming the place for the holidays. It's a big hit with visitors every year.