Some people in Collins are very upset with the poor condition of Erie County Roads in their town. Several homeowners who live on Bagdad Road are now posting signs saying "Poloncarz Fix This Road Now." Petitions are also being circulated to collect signatures in hopes of getting repairs to Bagdad Road.
Bagdad Road is not the only county road in Collins that is crumbling. Erie County Comptroller Stefan Mychajliw recently toured Collins to see the problems. Mychaljiw took photos of deteriorating road conditions on Taylor Hollow Road, Quaker Road and Bagdad Road which were then sent to DPW Commissioner William Geary.
The Comptroller also found problems with roads in the Town of Boston.
Many local roads had significant damage after a very long winter and it is putting a pinch on municipalities when it come to repairs.
Erie County allocated $28 million from the 2018 county budget for road repairs. However, that was not enough. County Executive Mark Poloncarz has submitted a budget amendment asking for an additional $3 million for road repairs. The request is still being discussed by the Erie County Legislature.
A portion of the extra funding is expected to be used in Collins with $800,000 to repair a road slide on Ketchum Road.
7 Eyewitness News Reporter Ed Reilly has more about Collins in his report.
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