

Deadly crashes involving teen drivers spike by 10%

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A new report from the Governors Highway Safety Association found deadly teen-involved crashes rose by 10% in 2015, after falling by 60% from 2005 to 2014.

According to the report, older teens (ages-18-20) are far less likely to be involved in a deadly crash than younger teens.

The report comes at the same time as a new study released by AAA, profiling "deadly mistakes" made by teen drivers. AAA surveyed driving instructors about their charges' bad habits. The survey narrowed down these top three mistakes by teen drivers:

  1. speeding
  2. distracted driving
  3. poor visual scanning

According to AAA, 65% of driving instructors surveyed would say that parents are worse now at preparing their teens to drive than they were a decade ago. AAA offers these tips for getting a teenager ready to be on the road:

  • Having conversations early and regularly about the dangers of speeding and distraction.
  • Taking the time to practice driving with their teens in varying conditions.
  • Adopting and enforcing a parent-teen driving agreement that sets family rules for the road.
  • Leading by example and minimizing distractions and speeding when they are driving.