

Deputies shoot man armed with sawed-off shotgun at Springville gas station

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A 34-year-old man is being treated at Erie County Medical Center after Erie County Sheriff's Deputies shot him in the lower chest area. 

Sheriff Tim Howard said Nicholas Krencik approached deputies with a sawed-off shotgun. Erie County deputies were responding to a call about a man walking around inside the Country Fair Convenience Store in Springville with a shotgun. 

The officers involved shooting happened around 10:20pm Sunday on Route 39. 

Investigators say Krencik fired at least two rounds in the parking lot of the gas station by time deputies arrived. According to the sheriff, two of the three responding deputies fired a round at Krencik after he wouldn't comply to dropping his weapon. 

Right now he at Erie County Medical Center in critical condition. Charges are pending upon his recovery.

Krencik has a prior record. He has a felony conviction for criminal possession of weapon. He was given parole and violated it at least once for assaulting someone. The 34-year-old's motive is unclear at this time. Investigators are not ruling out suicide by police.

Deputies who fired shots are not expected to face any disciplinary action. 


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