

Derby man hooked on the bait business

Dave's Bait & Tackle started four decades ago

It seems like Dave's Bait & Tackle has been a fixture in Derby forever. When Dave Watts went into the bait business 41 years ago there was no other game in town. Dave explains "you couldn't buy a worm here within ten miles when I opened."

He attributes his success to having great customers and a good location. Over the years other bait shops have come and gone, but mostly gone. According to Dave six or seven other bait shops closed over the years and when they did, he bought up their inventory.

Dave Watts will be eighty in October, but still likes to go fishing as much as he can. He works everyday 8pm to 4pm, seven days a week with no plans to retire anytime soon. He says he still enjoys what he does, "I love it, I love it. I've been doing it for forty-one years I gotta love something."

Dave's Bait & Tackle is located at 6798 Wellington Dr., Derby, NY 14047 phone: (716) 947-5990