

ECMC implements new security measures, requires photo ID

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If you're headed to Erie County Medical Center, don't forget your photo ID.

The hospital has been scanning all photo IDs of visitors and patients for the last two weeks as part of a new security procedure to keep staff and patients safe.

"We aren't taking any information that's going to be shared," said Charlene Ludlow, Chief Security Officer at ECMC. "We're not taking their Social Security number. It helps us track who is where in the building."

Each visitor gets a printout sticker with their photo, floor number and name. The hospital says it helps visitors get to where they are going, as well as helps for security reasons.

Some people are unhappy about the process, saying it's an invasion of privacy.

"It's very intimidating," said Ken Malark. "Unless there's a reason for doing it, I don't see why you should give out your information."

ECMC says the system has been tested and is completely safe. The hospital also notes it's not the only place in Western New York doing this.

"We have security measures involved so nothing will be shared," said Ludlow.