

Eden man has been Santa for almost 50 years

And he has a huge collection of Christmas stuff

His mail box is a work of art. You may notice immediately that it has a Christmas theme. Then there is the the twinkle in the eye and the white beard. Okay, if you haven't figured it out by now you just need to check out his business card. It's white with read lettering and reads simply "Santa Claus".

Scott Serafin has been appearing as the "Jolly Old Elf" for almost 50 years. He says" mostly I do private parties and charitable events". He receives hundreds of "letters to Santa" each year because of an ad he places in the Eden newspaper. 

Besides appearing as St. Nick, Scott has amassed and impressive and ever expanding Christmas collection that fills up several barns and most of his Eden home. It includes tons of toys and toy trains, figurines, decorations and some rare pieces like a Santa from AM&A's  that Scott believes is "at least 75 years old"

He has a closet full of red shoes and Santa outfits. And Scott was the first American Santa to be invited to the Official Santa Congress in Copenhagen. 

While it maybe a little early to be thinking about the holidays, it's plain to see that Scott "Santa" Serafin is always has abundant Christmas spirit.