LOUDONVILLE, N.Y. (WKBW) — A new national poll from The New York Times and Siena College shows that former Vice President Joe Biden has a nine point lead over President Donald Trump.
According to the poll that was released Tuesday morning, Biden leads Trump 50 percent to 41 percent.

“When we look at the presidential race nationally – not battleground states and the Electoral College – it is clear that despite the first presidential debate, a presidential coronavirus diagnosis and hospitalization and many other events, little has changed in the dynamics of the race,” said Dr. Don Levy, Director, Siena
College Research Institute. “Biden has a nine-point lead, right at 50 percent, up from eight points last month. He continues to have a positive favorability rating, as Trump’s continues to be negative."
Additionally, according to the poll nearly one-third of voters have already cast their ballots.
The poll found that 38 percent of Democrats have already voted, while 34 percent of independents cast their ballots, adding that only 20 percent of Republicans voted early.
“Nearly one-third of those likely to vote in the presidential election have already voted. Democrats and independents are much more likely than Republicans to have already voted at this point. Among the remainder of likely voters, half plan to vote in person on election day, one-quarter plan to vote in person before election day and one-quarter plan to vote by mail,” Levy said.
“Among the 31 percent who have already voted, they support Biden by a huge 67-26 percent margin,” Levy said. “The likely voters who have yet to vote, 68 percent, support Trump 48-43 percent.”
You can review the poll's findings here.