

Elmwood-Bidwell Winter Market Kicks Off at St. John Grace Church


Organic food, arts and crafts filled the room at St. John's Grace Church in the Elmwood Village Saturday and will continue to do so each Saturday until December 29. 

“Farmer’s markets are very important to civic engagement," Susan McCartney, board member of the Elmwood Village farmer’s market, says. "It brings together loads of citizens, a variety of citizens, all kinds of people and they convene here and you end up talking to people, it’s interesting. People should just come hangout.”

The Elmwood-Bidwell Winter Market featured organic, home grown products as well as hand made goods. It even featured some first time vendors. 

“A little nervous, curious to see how it would go, how it would be received. But so far, so good," Leslie Hornung said.

Hornung launched her new business, Hempstead Kitchen, at the market Saturday. Her business features home backed goods that are infused with CBD from the hemp plant. 

“Its really good exposure, I think that people that like to come to these markets like to try niche products and new things," Hornung said.