The Emerald Ash Border invasion is causing some firewood businesses to sell out quickly and one of the largest firewood sellers in Western New York has had to layoff all of its employees.
Experts say this destructive insect is eating away at thousands of ash trees in Western New York. The insect is creating some financial woes and there is another barrier in this fight.
Critical federal dollars earmarked to battle invasive species like the Emerald Ash Borer are now being redirected to help cover wildfire expenses out west. It’s a move United States Senator Charles Schumer says needs to stop.
On Thursday, Schumer introduced an amendment appropriations bill to restore the money so New York can continue fighting the Emerald Ash Borer. He says otherwise local forests are going to have real trouble.
The U.S. Senator believes the United States Forest Service should have flexibility to apply for additional disaster funding, just like other federal agencies.
It’s estimated the ash borer has destroyed more than 50 million ash trees in the United States and Canada since 2003.
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