

Emergency detour routes posted for entire thruway system


It's that time of year.

Yes, it's the holiday season. But it's also time to start preparing for those winter months.

We've been able to hold off the cold and snow so far, but it won't stay away forever.

To help keep drivers safe during the snowy months, the NYS Thruway Authority has begun posting Emergency Detour signs throughout Erie County. Contingency plans and detour routes for the entire Thruway system will help during extreme weather events and any other incidents that would require an alternative route.

The detour routes also account detoured traffic on state and local roadways. This means the actual detour may even start ahead of the impacted roadway area. This will help truck traffic safely continue travel or find a safe place to wait out the weather.

Here's a list of detour routes to know in the Buffalo region: