

Erie County to hold mid-year foreclosure auction

Erie County to hold mid-year foreclosure auction

Next month, you’ll have the opportunity to bid on and buy houses as part of Erie County’s foreclosure sale.

The mid-year sale is focused on properties owned by individuals who have systemically and annually manipulated the foreclosure and auction process to retain ownership.

You can see the full list of properties here.

Officials say these properties have stayed in the auction pipeline for months and even years while the owners exploit bankruptcy laws.

“Holding a mid-year auction ensures that these bad actors will not illicitly obtain the same protections extended to honest homeowners, and that the properties they’ve long held despite their tax scofflaw status will finally be returned to the tax rolls. As a result, properties that had long been eyesores or aggravations will once again become productive parts of neighborhoods and communities,” explained Joseph Maciejewski, Director of Erie County Real Property Tax Services.

Foreclosed properties removed from the county’s sale in September 2015 will also be included in the auction, as will be a limited number of parcels that were adjourned from prior auctions.

Properties given court ordered reprieve, defaults on payment plans and bankruptcies that have been discharged are eligible for this sale.

The auction will begin at 9 a.m. on February 23 in the auditorium of the downtown Buffalo and Erie County Public Library.

You can see the full list of properties here.




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