

Free healthcare this weekend for the rural poor


Saint Bonaventure University and the Remote Area Medical (RAM) Volunteer Corps are hosting a special weekend event where low-income individuals from rural areas can get free medical screenings, dental work and vision care.

It is taking place in the Reilly Center on the campus both Saturday and Sunday starting at 6 a.m.

There are no eligibly requirements for the free healthcare which is intended to help people who live far from urban areas and need medical attention.

Most of the focus will be on dental care with 50 fully-equipped dentist chairs now set up and ready to go in the Reilly Center.

There is also a mobile vision lab which is equipment to make eyeglasses on the spot.

This is the first time that RAM has been able to bring the volunteer effort into New York State.

Throughout the day, volunteers from across the country turned the Reilly Center from an athletic facility into a medical campus.

Organizers expect to treat 1,000 people over the weekend with about 400-500 people handled each day.

Doors open at 6 a.m. but admission tickets will be handed out starting at 3 a.m.

More NYS licensed nurses and opticians are needed to help.  You can register at http://volunteer.ramusa.org

7 Eyewitness News Reporter has more on the unique event in his reports.