

Free outdoor ice skating returning to Village of Hamburg

Free outdoor ice skating returning to Village of Hamburg
and last updated

Free outdoor ice skating is returning to the Village of Hamburg according to Josh Haeick, Recreation Supervisor for the Village.

In a Facebook video posted Thursday, Haeick made the announcement stating that free outdoor ice skating has been a tradition in the Village for years, but due to weather the old method of banking snow and spending hours flooding the rink became difficult, time consuming, and costly.

There will not just be one new rink, there will be two, located at the basketball court of the Hamburg Community Playground.

Haeick states the rinks, which will be 30 feet by 60 feet, will be up in a few weeks.

According to Haeick, the project is possible due to an anonymous donor and Erie County Legislator Lynne Dixon.

You can view the video of the announcement below.

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