

Good samaritans helping neighbors clear driveways


For some, snow can be a hassle. Clearing out driveways and sidewalks multiple times a day. But if you live on Clover Place in Cheektowaga, chances are it's already taken care of.

"I get my neighbor over there, my neighbor over there, and then it goes from there because then you get that far down and then the other neighbor is out there shoveling... it's a chain that never ends," explained Pasquale Papa, the "neighborhood snowblower".

It's at the top of Pasquale's to-do list when waking up to a winter wonderland. Helping his fellow neighbors dig out not once, not twice, but when necessary, more than three times a day.

"I take care of the neighbor, the neighbor takes care of me," said Pasquale. "Now I didn't expect to adopt these many neighbors but whatever it is, it is!"

It's safe to say he's the neighborhood snowblower, clearing driveways since he retired six years ago. Even at 76 years old, nothing seems to stop this life-long Clover Place resident.

"Most of the time they don't even ask, I just go over and do it," said Pasquale. "An occasional 'thank you' is kind of nice!"

His work certainly doesn't go unnoticed by those he's helping.

"Pat - he's a sweetheart," said Diane Penna, one of his neighbors. "He just comes out and helps everybody. I have a bad back and he helps me out."

Two houses down, Jim Delgaudio is trying to do the same,in a street that reinforces the idea of the City of Good Neighbors. And although Pasquale is the oldest one in the street helping others, Delgaudio is following in his footsteps.

"People are elderly, they need help," said Delgaudio who has lived there for 20 years. "Especially for the mailman, the newspapers... they need help to get out of their driveways, to get food and go shopping. So I try to help as many people as I can."