

Guns: protection or a problem?


Holiday shopping season is upon us, and gun sales have increased.

Michael Deasy of Niagara Gun Rangesays that is due in part because people want a way to protect themselves in the wake of recent mass shootings in our country and around the world.

"Start carrying a gun, get familiar with it," said Deasy. "That's your only way to level the playing field."

Deasy tells 7 Eyewitness News he believes guns offer protection.

"Somebody walks through this door and they're carrying a firearm and they just want to start shooting, how are you going to protect yourself, what are you going to do? "

In a situation like that, Deasy says having a gun and knowing how and when to use it can save your life.

"If you're in a position where you can't defend yourself, you don't have the upper-hand when the person that has the firearm is using it for the wrong intention."

He says after the recent attacks in Paris and the mass shooting in San Bernardino, customers have been coming into his Wheatfield store, expressing their worry and buying guns as a way to protect themselves should they have to face an active shooter situation.

But Deasy wants to reminds people, before you can buy a handgun, there is a long vetting process that includes a federal background check and a safety class.

"You can't just buy a gun over the counter and walk out the door, that's not the way it works."

But as the gun-control debate continues across the Unites States, many people believe more guns are not the answer.

President Obama is looking to strengthen current gun control legislation, by excluding anyone currently on the nation's "No Fly" list from buying guns.

Governor Andrew Cuomo believes the federal government should look to New York's SAFE Act as an example of smart gun regulations.

But Deasy believes guns are not the problem and that no matter the weapon, if people want to cause harm, they will.

"You can't control people's minds," he said.




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