BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — The 5/14 Memorial Commission is holding a public meeting, sharing final results from a survey, filled out by 1,300 people. It details how those folks want to remember the ten people killed at Tops on May 14, 2022.
But the 7 News I-Team is learning, the City of Buffalo is asking the state for more money to build this memorial.
The commission says contractors and designers should submit a plan worth up to $15 million. New York State has already committed $900,000.
Ebony White's uncle, Heyward Patterson, was shot and killed at Tops. Ask how she wants that money spent and she'll tell you, it's not on a memorial.
"Whether it's another place or venue or restaurants and entrepreneurship that is solely based in the lives of those lost in those victims, creating more opportunity, that's what I would really enjoy being able to see," White said.
As the 7 News I-Team has reported, the commission is working without a tangible budget.
While New York State has committed $900,000 for the memorial the City of Buffalo still has not said how much it will commit. But now, they're asking the state for more.
DRANTCH: How much more would you like to see come from the state?
MAYOR BYRON BROWN: I don't want to put a dollar figure on it. We've been talking to the state. We'd like the state to increase their contribution if they can.
The I-Team has asked why this is necessary. Those questions have gone unanswered.
But how independent is the commission?
"There is significant state involvement and city involvement," Brown said. "We have state staff that attend every commission meeting and city staff that attend every commission meeting."
When you email the commission, a City of Buffalo spokesperson responds.
Angelica Morrison is the Communications and Community Relations Assistant Manager for the City of Buffalo.
Why is she responding to emails for the 5/14 Commission, as a spokesperson for the City of Buffalo?
Mayor Brown says "the real spokesperson for the commission is chair, which is Rev. Blue..."

But he's not answering these emails.

Multiple calls to Rev. Blue have gone unanswered.
The 7 News I-Team has asked Rev. Blue about the independence of this commission, knowing each person on the board was appointed by either Governor Hochul or Mayor Brown.
DRANTCH: Do you feel that this commission can be independent knowing that all of these people were appointed by the governor or by the city?
REV. BLUE: Absolutely.
DRANTCH: How so?
REV. BLUE: Because we are all independent thinkers. They are part of the process, but they're looking at us to give them direction.
Despite asking how much contribute to the commission of this memorial, Brown told the I-Team, "I will reach out to you and make sure you are front and center when we make that announcement."