What does the future hold for Lady the dog? The owners of the pit bull accused of attacking and killing another dog were back in court Tuesday.
A Sardina Town Justice adjourned the dangerous dog court hearing without deciding whether Lady will be deemed dangerous.
The hearing comes after an incident last month, in which Jasper the dog was attacked in his own back yard and ultimately died from his injuries. The town attorney says Lady is to blame for the attack.
A dog expert who evaluated Lady testified that she isn't necessarily "dangerous" but that her owners are to blame for letting her get loose and shouldn't be allowed to keep her.
The attorney for Lady's owners agrees.
"[Lady] absolutely thrives in a domestic atmosphere," said Matt Albert. "What I'm saying is that we're not talking about a dangerous dog, we're talking about any dog that's left to its own devices in the wild is going to eat and they're not going to graze on grass."
Albert says despite the outcome of the hearing, Lady will be leaving her current owner for a home that can better ensure she doesn't get loose anymore.
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