

Lancaster community still looking for streetlights after five years


Lancaster neighbors have been waiting for almost five years for street lights to be built, and it doesn't appear that will be changing anytime soon. 

The development off of Pavement Road is a property of Clover Management, which has not provided the community with street lights, even though it was promised in the original contract according to neighbors. 

"We don't understand why it is so hard to get something so simple" Kim Pagano, who has been in the neighborhood for three years, said. 

Neighbors have been turned away by Clover Management whenever they have questions over the lack of street lights. When asking the town of Lancaster, the neighborhood was told that technically there is not a rule in the town code regarding streetlights.

A main reason why the neighborhood wants streetlights is safety. Dozens of children live in the cul de sac which becomes incredibly dark with the lack of street lights. John Hembrook, a neighbor of four years, hopes that it doesn't take a tragedy for something to change. 

"What are you going to do?" Hembrook asks of the town, "Wait for us to plant flowers for some child that gets run over?"

7 Eyewitness News reached out to both the Town of Lancaster, and Clover Management, and neither has gotten back to us yet.