

Loaded hanguns found in car on the Peace Bridge


U.S. Customs and Border Protection arrested three people after two loaded handguns were found in their car.

Officers say they found the guns when the car made a wrong turn on the Peace Bridge around 4:30 a.m. The three inside, all U.S. Citizens, said they did not mean to enter the bridge and just wanted to turn around, according to officials.

The driver, a 25-year-old man, and the two passengers, a 24-year-old man and a 22-year-old woman, were sent to secondary inspection for further examination.

CBP Officers say they found a 9-mm automatic pistol, a .32-caliber revolver and ammunition for each weapon during the inspection. They say they also found a duffel bag with fatigue-style clothing and a mask inside.

According to CBP, all three were arrested and turned over to the Buffalo Police Department.