

Local leaders address Cuomo's recent property tax proposals


Local leaders are stepping up and speaking out in response to Governor Andrew Cuomo's latest property tax relief proposals that may result in the loss of local services.

Town Supervisors, Mayors, Erie County Legislators and members of the WNY Delegation joined forces at the Elma Town Hall to address misconceptions in the Governor's recent budget proposals and correct what they refer to as the "disingenuous blame of New York's high property taxes on towns, villages and cities." 

As part of the governor's proposal, counties would be required to fund more government efficiency studies, thereby interfering with home rule. 

Elma Town Supervisor, Dennis Powers' office released a statement saying in part, "Local governments have long pursued meaningful property tax relief for our residents. We welcome working with the Governor to continue to achieve these results. However, the effort cannot be realized if there continues to be finger pointing and misinformation about the cost, roles and functions of local governments."