BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Thirty-four dogs, including three newborn puppies, were rescued from a home on Niagara Street in Buffalo after being discovered in what SPCA Agents described as "deplorable conditions."
According to the SPCA of Erie County, the dogs were urine-soaked and some were so matted they could barely walk or see.
READ MORE: 34 dogs, including puppies, rescued from 'deplorable conditions'
CEO and President Cait Daly said staff worked all day Friday to get the animals cleaned up and seen for medical exams. After they were groomed, some were shaven down to their skin. Some of the mats from just one dog weighed nearly two pounds. Now the dogs are readjusting to a better life.

"All the dogs you can tell are social they wanna be loved they like being with each other," Daly said.
Daly said sadly her officers are seeing similar cases like this one every single day and said that's why tips are crucial.
"These cases are happening more frequently they're not slowing we have officers who have been here for 10 years and this is the worst year they have ever seen," she said.

Meantime, Daly said hundreds of dollars have been raised so far for these dogs and every little bit makes a difference.
"The community showed up just like you do every time so thank you so much," Daly said.
Click here to make a donation on the SPCA's website. You are asked to write "34 dogs" in the comments section so the SPCA knows who you'd like your donation to help.
If you would like to adopt a dog, the information will be posted here. The website is updated in real time so you will know which dogs are available.