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AAA: Deadly car crashes rose during the pandemic


A new report from AAA is looking at the impact the COVID-19 pandemic had on traffic safety in the U.S.

The report shows nearly 17,000 more people died in a car crash in the U.S. from May 2020 to December 2022, compared to pre-pandemic levels.

The study found dangerous behaviors like speeding, not wearing a seatbelt and impaired driving contributed to the rise in deadly crashes.

Source: NHTSA

In the most recent data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in 2022 speeding was a factor in 34% of deadly crashes in New York and 39% in Pennsylvania.

Alcohol was a factor for 32% of crashes in New York and 29% in Pennsylvania.

The study also shows people of color made up more than half of deadly crashes in that same time frame. 34% of the deadly crashes involved Black Americans, while Hispanic Americans made up 25%.

The NHTSA says 61% of all deadly crashes happened in urban areas nationwide.

Right now, we are in the midst of the 100 Deadliest Days on the road, which runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day.

We spoke with AAA who says distracted driving has an impact on a rise in more crashes.

"These young drivers have grown up with a phone in their hand and it's hard for them to separate being on the phone and the task of driving. They think they can multitask and they're used to having their phone in the classroom and every place else and really being attached to that device."
- Elizabeth Carey from AAA Western and Central New York

Before you plan your next road trip, we're giving you some tips to help keep you and your family safe:

  • Make sure your car is serviced
  • Make sure your tires are properly inflated
  • Make sure all car seats and seat belts fit properly
"It's just important to get key components checked starting with the battery, fuel system, tires, breaks and all the fluid levels, make sure your vehicle's emergency kit is stocked not just tools and supplies but also snacks cell phone charger maybe even pet snacks if you're traveling with your pets."
- Daniel Fisher, dispatch manager for AAA Western and Central New York