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Another Buffalo bicycling death is sparking the community to step forward and demand change

Biking Accident

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — It’s a growing problem in the city of Buffalo...

Bike crashes are something that have impacted multiple families in the last month. Two people have died in the last three weeks from getting hit by a moving vehicle.

The most recent crash coming this past Thursday when Theodore Dionne was hit by a car on the corner of Abbott Rd. and Kenefick Ave.

Families aren’t necessarily worried when hearing this information, but it definitely makes them more aware when on the roads with their loved

Lawrence Rizzuto bikes around Buffalo often and said he still feels safe, but he's on high alert.

"I do feel our city can improve in general on the infrastructure of bike lanes," Rizzuto said.

Rizzuto, like many people in Buffalo, are beginning to realize that not all bike lanes or crosswalks are treated the same. Some of the infrastructure deteriorates over time, and that causes things that are supposed to be pedestrian friendly, a little less safe.

"The winters just erode everything. If those things are maintained at a better pace, we'll be better off for it in Buffalo," Rizzuto said.

Outside of that, Rizzuto said he hopes for a few additions to the city's safe cycling plans, so that this doesn't have to happen again.

"Things like maybe speed bumps, solar speed limit signs. Just something to help with the speed," Rizzuto said.

GoBike Buffalo Communications Director, Kevin Heffernan said the city actually needs to take it a step further if they want to see progress.

"When we make these physical barriers, those literally will save lives," Heffernan said.

Physical barriers separating bikers from the road is just the start for Heffernan and GoBike Buffalo. He knows it will take a minute before things are the way everyone wants them to be. That's why he hopes drivers will slow down.

"It cannot happen overnight. We have to remind the drivers of our community that the people you see walking or biking are your neighbors," Heffernan said.