BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — As the Buffalo Slow Roll kicked off another season, it showed just how many cyclists there are in Western New York.
"Getting people out on bikes is our primary purpose, with Slow Roll (we) connect communities" Seamus Gallivan from GoBike said.
This increase in biking within the city has created a need to make Buffalo even more bike friendly, something that GoBike Buffalo has been supportive of for years.
"How do we encourage more people to walk, to bike, to take public transit," GoBike Executive Director Justin Booth said, "what types of services and programs do we need to do to help support people to do that?"
GoBike sees the development plans at 201 Ellicott as a step in the right direction. 201 Ellicott has plans to incorporate bike ownership into their design.
"Take some of these surface lots and utilize them for better services" Booth said.
The hope is more cooperation can happen between private developers and bike owners to create for more available bike lanes and other safe spaces for cyclists.
"Create an environment that really encourages people to use othr ways to get around" Booth said.