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Audit finds 62 year-old was eligible for youth jobs program

Posted 5:11 PM, Jan 10, 2019
and last updated 5:11 PM, Jan 10, 2019

ALBANY, N.Y. (WKBW) — A state audit of the New York Youth Jobs Program found a 62 year-old was certified as eligible for the program, which grants tax credits to employers who hire unemployed or disadvantaged youth ages 16-24.

The error was found as part of an audit between January 2014 and July 2018. During that time, the state comptroller's office uncovered a number of problems, including employees older than the age limit of 24, and limited verification that employees lived in New York. Officials from the state labor department relied on information provided directly by employers rather than verifying the information independently.

Auditors found a total of $191,336 in questionable tax credits given to employers.

"These tax credits exist to benefit businesses and the young people they hire and should only go to those who meet the program's requirements," said New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli. "Stronger oversight would ensure the program's sucess."

DiNapoli is recommending a number of new safeguards to the program, and is recommending the state tax department take action to recover the questionable tax credits.