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Brennan's Bowery Bar on Transit Road announces Friday will be last night of service


BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — In a Facebook post on Thursday Brennan's Bowery Bar on Transit Road announced Friday will be its last night of service.

The post cited the COVID-19 pandemic as a reason for the closure:

It is with heavy hearts that we announce that tomorrow will be our last night of service at Brennan’s for the foreseeable future. We had hoped to make an announcement and give everyone ample time to pay their last respects at 4401 Transit but unfortunately we are unable to pull that off.

The Covid pandemic put a giant strain on Brennan’s ability to remain open and the defeat of the Restaurant Revitalization Fund is the Senate a few weeks back was the final nail in the proverbial coffin.
- The Shatzel Family

The post thanked the community for their support and said the hope is to reopen their doors in some capacity someday.

We want to thank Western New York and especially the Clarence & Williamsville communities for making Brennan’s their home for the last 52 years. The Shatzel & Brennan’s family are beyond grateful for your years of love & support.

To all our past & present dedicated employees, thank you for your years of hard work & dedication to Brennan’s. Our years of success would never be possible without all of you.

While we hope to one day to be to reopen our doors in some capacity, we now invite you to one final cheers tomorrow at Brennan’s.
- The Shatzel Family