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Buffalo firefighter rescues man from a burning home on Mills Street


BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — After a difficult few months for the Buffalo Fire Department, Buffalo Fire Captain William LaRusch wants everyone to know about his fellow firefighter's brave rescue.

LaRusch told 7 News that firefighter Wally Majtyka pulled a man from a burning home on Mills Street recently.

"Lately we haven't had a lot of good stories with positive outcomes and this one had a very positive outcome and Wally was instrumental in that happening," said LaRusch.

Unfortunately, not every rescue attempt is successful. Majtyka also tried to save his friend and fellow firefighter Jason Arno from the four-alarm fire on Main Street on March 1.

Now, his fellow firefighters want him to be recognized for his bravery and successful rescue on Mills Street.

"Wally had a tough go being at the Main Street fire with firefighter Arno and the loss and it's weighing heavy on him and it was just so good to hear a positive story," said LaRusch.

Majtyka has been a firefighter for 25 years and said he is grateful to be with the department.

"We don't do it for badges or medals or that. We just do it because that's what we love to do," said Majtyka.

He said when they first arrived at the fire on Mills Street it was too hot to go inside but eventually, they made it in and he found the victim on a bedroom floor.

"That's all we want to take with us when we leave this job is to leave safe and healthy and with the respect of our peers and Wally has my respect," said LaRusch.

Both firefighters want to remind everyone to make sure they have working smoke detectors and an escape plan that includes a meeting place for their family in case of a fire.