LAKEVIEW, N.Y. (WKBW) — It's a house any Bills fan would be jealous of. The entire front roof of Mike Lips' home is painted with a giant "Bills Mafia" logo in honor of one special person - his late wife, Sharon.
"She was my best friend and we were married for 39 and a half years," he said with a tear in his eye.

Sharon passed away in May. An avid Buffalo Bills fan, Sharon was also an animal lover, dedicated to rescuing the ones who needed a home.
"We never went and bought an animal from a puppy factory. We saved a life," Mike said. "She was one of the kindest women in the world, and I got a gift from God when I got her."
After she passed, Mike wanted to find a way to honor Sharon and also help the animals she loves so much. He decided to paint his roof with the Bills Mafia logo - and ask for help from other mafia members to raise money for the causes that were so important to her.

"If we can get some attention and help for the shelters so they can get more and take care of animals better - that's what I want," he said.
His daughter helped him set up a GoFundMe, and they're asking other Bills Mafia members to lend a hand.
"Take this power, and make a mafia movement out of it. Make it something that makes a difference," said Mike's daughter Kristine Majewski.
You can check out the GoFundMe here.The family says the money raised will be split between the Buddy's Second Chance Rescue, the Buffalo Animal Shelter, and the Erie County SPCA.
Mike says he's hoping the Bills Mafia will help him honor Sharon, and remember the person she was.
"I just want the world to know what a sweet lady she was. And how caring she was," he said. "And hopefully in her memory we can save some animals. Plus I know she's up there looking down - And hopefully she can see it. Because it's big enough!"