HAMBURG, N.Y. (WKBW) — Authorities at the Naval Park downtown provided an update on the USS The Sullivans stating the ship is stable, Friday afternoon.
Divers have been in the water for three days and have plugged at least twelve holes.

Crews have also removed 40 key artifacts from the floating museum, and 20,000 gallons of water have now been pumped out.
To help save the ship, students at Saints Peter and Paul School, in Hamburg, are taking the concept of donating to the next level.

As dive crews continue to remove gallons of water, along with priceless artifacts, students at Saints Peter and Paul School are working to raise money to help save the USS The Sullivans ship, the largest and most important class of U.S. destroyers used in World War II.
"I thought it was terrible. It's a part of our history. It's a World War II ship that not a lot are around anymore now," Eight grade student, Anthony Alberti said.
Seventh grade student, Erica O'Leary said, "We got to wear "red, white and blue dress down" to support The Sullivans because it's a patriotic symbol, and it's a break from our uniform. It's a break from our uniforms, which is great, even though we love our uniforms."
So far, the students at the youth ministry have worked to raise $300 to support the local monument's conservation efforts and hopes the community will pick up where they left off.

Eight grade student, Liam O'Leary said, "I think they should donate money because it's a great thing that we have and there's not many of them left. If we don't keep it then we're going to lose part of the Buffalo history."
Father Darrell Duffy told Pheben Kassahun he hopes this fundraiser would instill with the children, the importance of prayer, followed by doing something about social concerns.

"It's not enough to pray about the issues that are going on with this world. We have to do something and our Lord enables us. He gives us all gifts and talents to be able to do our little part in this world. The children are able to raise a few dollars today, " Father Darrell shared with Kassahun.
He said he saw the dedication ceremony when he was only 12, which inspired him to go into the Navy.
"I spent 8 years Navy, and got out the Navy and did a few other things to where I am right now," Father Darrell said.

For frequent visitors like Emily Kubera, who visited the day before the ship started taking on water she hopes she can get back to seeing the historic artifacts.
"Really sad because it was just really cool," Second grade student, Emily Kubera said. "It was really cool, and I saw a lot of stuff."