TOWN OF WHEATFIELD, N.Y. (WKBW) — The fight against COVID-19 can be extremely tough for some patients. The numbers show only about 20% of people on a ventilator will survive. One local man beat the odds.
“I couldn’t understand why it would happen to someone as nice as Bob,” said David Greinert, Scoutmaster of troop 833.
Bob Pierce of Wheatfield is an Eagle Scout, a father and a grandfather.
“He is always the loudest in the room, in a good way. He’s full of terrible Dad jokes," said his daughter Janelle Debbins.
The boy scouts of america have a saying: ‘Do a good turn daily’.
“He’s done a good turn daily his entire life,” said Greinert.
His community was devastated when Pierce was admitted to St. Joseph's Hospital for COVID-19.
"It was unbelievable, it was like living in a horror movie. You always think, ‘Oh it’s not going to affect my family,” said Debbins.

Pierce was on a ventilator for 16 days. Doctors told his family to prepare for the worst. His family was able to celebrate on Easter Sunday, when Pierce was taken off the ventilator.
"As the time went on, the longer he was at St. Joe’s the worse of an outcome we were thinking so we always kept him in our prayers,” said Donald Lauer, First Assistant Chief of Adams Fire Co.
On Thursday afternoon, Pierce finally came home. His community went above and beyond to welcome him back.
— Taylor Epps (@taylor_epps_) April 23, 2020
Bob Pierce is on his way home after his battle with COVID-19. His family, friends, and Eagle Scouts are here to welcome him. @WKBW
Needless to say, Pierce was surprised.
"He’ll probably say it’s not a big deal, but it is a big deal," said Lauer. "It's someone we could've lost, but we didn't. He won."
The Pierce family says they’re forever grateful for healthcare workers, especially those at St. Joe's.
"If you’re going through this, don’t be afraid to lean on other people. Ask for help. The community is what got us through it,” said Debbins.
When this is over, they plan on having one giant group hug.