BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — If you were looking to do something nice for one of your loved ones, friends or neighbors, it's your day!
Monday, October 5 is National Do Something Nice Day.
It's a day meant to remind people all over the country of the importance of kindness and doing good deeds for other people, no matter how small.
Some ways you can observe National Do Something Nice Day that take very little time, and almost no effort, include:
- Noticing someone’s signal in traffic and allowing them into your lane
- Picking up the neighbor’s newspaper on your daily walk and placing it within easy reach
- Opening a door for another person
- Giving your place in line to the person with only three items
- Tipping your service staff an extra dollar or two more than you usually would
- Give a compliment
- Encourage a student with an idea for a solution
- Read to a child
- Listen to someone who is lonely