BUFFALO, NY — On Sunday, Buffalo’s Network of Religious Communities, the Fruitbelt Coalition, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints hosted a Festival of Faiths following the attacks in Israel to bring the religious communities of Western New York together.
Hosting 14 different religious sects to to come together to learn about one another and to build trust.

It's a grassroots moment that needs to happen to build a trust, unless these families don't build a trust in each other from diverse backgrounds then we cannot build a strong community.
The death toll of the Hamas attacks on Israel continue to grow by the day, religious leaders are calling for solidarity and peace for Israel.

There's a war going on, in a land that is Holy to 4 different religions. Why? This event is all about to try to build relationships of trust and friendship to help us to avoid those kind of conflicts, while this is a local event this is what we are working towards.

You see so much division based on people that may be different culturally, but events like this not only inspire me but this gives me some hope that it gets better
For some, the attacks are impacting family and friends, like for Gon Erez who tells 7 News he is worried for Israel.

I feel like I have a hole in my heart or in my stomach. I know people that got killed, I know people still missing.
The JCC in Getzville is hosting a vigil for solidarity with Israel on Monday Oct 8 at 6 pm.
SEE MORE: Understanding the history of the Israel-Gaza conflict