BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — There's outrage coming from Buffalo's Latino community. Some local elected leaders and community members are reacting to remarks made at a rally for former President Trump over the weekend in New York City.
The remarks were made by a comedian hired to appear at the rally inside Madison Garden on Sunday. He said Puerto Rico is a "floating island of garbage."

"We're very offended. I'm very disgusted," said Carlos Figueroa, Buffalo resident.
Figueroa works at the La Flor Bakery on Buffalo's west side. He tells me the comment made by the comedian is horrible.
"Right now, we're very offended, because we think that the real garbage is the people who say the garbage," said Figueroa.
Local leaders from the Puerto Rican community held a news conference Tuesday morning in Niagara Square to address the remarks.
"No regresaremos para atras. We're not going back," declared State Assemblyman Jonathan Rivera and Niagara District Common Council Member David Rivera.

"And for all those who say it was just some words at some rally. It was just some funny thing that was said. To that we say, we've seen the truth, and the truth is the words that were said at that rally were intentional," said Assemblyman Rivera.

"It was repugnant, abhorrent. It was meant to humiliate and degrade people," said Councilmember Rivera.

"Please look around. We have a great, vibrant Latino, Puerto Rican community in Western New York," said Kelly Hernadez, a Latino community member. "Wherever you look, we're there, we're not going back. No regresaremos para atras. We're here to stay."

"We are a people of pride and resilience and denounce any remarks that degrade our disrespect our contributions to this great nation of America," said Casimiro Rodriguez, president and founder of the Hispanic Heritage Council of Western New York.

"And I'm appalled by what I heard Sunday night. It brings me back to the 60s," said Veteran Johnny Sanabria, Commander Gabriel A. Rodriguez American Legion Post 1928.
Former President Donald Trump has said he doesn't know the comedian who made the remarks. His campaign has said the remarks don't reflect his views.
Figueroa tells me he's a registered Republican but Trump lost his vote.
"But right now, I change my mind," said Figueroa.
"So, he lost a vote because of that?" I questioned.
"He's very bad, so everything changed," answered Figueroa.
I requested an interview with Republican Congressman Nick Langworthy. His office responded with, "Thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, the congressman is unavailable."