BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — While some private, small colleges are struggling to stay open due to declining enrollment, one Buffalo college is experiencing a record enrollment spike.
Villa Maria College continues to experience record growth with the largest incoming class size in its 63-year history.
"This is two years in a row where we've set a record for new student enrollment," said Dr. Matthew Giordano, president, of Villa Maria College.

The Villa College campus is bustling with more than 600 students.
"We're welcoming about 280 new students to campus, and our overall enrollment is up about 13% over last year," explained Giordano.
Villa's president is only the 4th college president in the history of this private, Catholic school, founded by the Felician Sisters.

Giordano said the school continues to foster a diverse student population and pinpoint their needs.
"We're really focused on educational equity, on really improving access and affordability for education. We put a lot of resources and time into making sure that our students are really well cared for," said Giordano.
Tuition remains flat, textbooks are free and the college helps out with a ride to school, if needed.
"We partner with Lyft, and we provide students a certain number of rides to and from campus for free every month, so we've done a lot to try to bring down the cost," said Giordano.

Students said the nurturing environment helps them to be academically successful here at Villa.
"I feel like it's a huge support system. They love us here, and I feel like that pushes us," said Damario Jones, Villa senior.
"It really prepares you to take that step into the real world," added Nolan Shephard, Villa senior.
Seniors Nolan Shephard and Damario Jones, both of Buffalo and on the Villa basketball team, said they've been thriving at Villa thanks to great support from faculty.

"We have time set aside with professors, where we go in a study hub group for about an hour, one or two times a week, and we focus and sit there just doing homework," said Jones.
"The good thing about Villa is that once you make a connection with your teachers, they're willing to work with you for anything," added Shephard.

The campus is also buzzing with construction. Renovation work is underway in the library, creating modern-day campus space.
"Best part of being a villa student?" Buckley asked.
"The love, but also the gear," laughed Jones.